Google Maps

You can easily choose from 4 map type: terrain, roadmap, hybrid and satellite. You can also change map width and height also control zoom level and location of the map

Google Map Roadmap

[tg_map type=”MapTypeId.ROADMAP” width=”670″ height=”270″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”8″ popup=”London, UK”]


Google Map Satellite

[tg_map type=”MapTypeId.SATELLITE” width=”670″ height=”270″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”14″ popup=”London, UK”]


Google Map Roadmap

[tg_map type=”MapTypeId.HYBRID” width=”670″ height=”270″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”8″ popup=”London, UK”]


Google Map Terrain

[tg_map type=”MapTypeId.TERRAIN” width=”670″ height=”270″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”8″ popup=”London, UK”]

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